Ampersand is a multi-functional adjuvant for foliar applications designed to maximize the efficacy of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and nutrients. OMRI listed and formulated with food-grade ingredients, Ampersand works differently than other adjuvants to deliver 3x more spray to the leaf, 2x the absorption potential, and 4x the wash off protection.
Ampersand’s patented technology starts droplet control at the nozzle. Humectant and hydrocolloid properties regulate droplet size, reducing both fines and large droplets, getting more of your tank mix onto the target.
Ingredients that provide adhesion prevent droplets from rolling off the leaf, or bouncing and shattering. Whether it’s horizontal or vertical, droplets adhere securely to the leaf’s surface.
Droplets with high surface tension and a high contact angle keep your active on the target in a liquid state longer, giving systemic and translaminar actives time to perform their functions. Evaporation and drying are concerns of the past.
Ingredients that provide strength protect droplets from rainfall and overhead irrigation.
Based on studies by Dr. Alan Knight we used Ampersand with sprays of Entrust in our organic codling moth management program in 2019 and had tremendous success in our Jonathan’s. In previous years we have had up to 50% losses to codling moth but in 2019 we brought this down to around 10%.
Ampersand’s performance has been validated by extensive testing from leading research facilities across the U.S.
Our products have been extensively tested with herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides across a variety of fruits, vegetables, and row crops at leading agriculture research facilities in the U.S. and around the world.
Complete a short quiz to access our field results by pest, crop, or active.